Newman's is home to both miniature golf and ice cream in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. For this project in CD300, we were tasked with designing a rebrand. Since I love mini golf and frequent Newman's multiple times each summer, I was determined to find a new way to communicate their story.

I felt that I needed to communicate Newman's summery spirit and family-owned roots. This felt best communicated with a handwritten, script-like wordmark that seems like a family signature. If you look closely, you can see a flag and hole in the 'N'.
Additionally, we were asked to create a brand style guide for the redesigned brand to adhere to. I hope you enjoy the names I've chosen for my colors.
I also pride myself on the business card I've ideated. While logistically expensive to produce, the card boasts a fun element, as you would pull on the strip of the business card to pull the golf ball across the green and to the hole. This also reveals a short blurb about the business. On the back, an employee's name and contact information is shown, and the pull reveals the address of the location.